The Timeless Place in All of Us - Stillness, Grief, and Art

If I’ve learned anything from stillness—that is, learning to meditate, to be still, and to find the stillness inside of myself through the hardest experiences in life—it is this: the world is a mirror. What we see when we look at the world is what we hold inside. And what we hold inside is our choice. When we look out at the world, we look at ourselves.

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Dispelling the Cliché of the Tortured Artist

We've all heard it before in some form or another.  Whether it's the crazed writer in a movie, or the insane and tortured artist, it is a strange (and sometimes pervading) idea and cliché that to be a great artist, you have to be insane, or crazy, or tortured.  And as much as I'd like to think that these kinds of ideas are viewed as antiquated in 2018, they are very much alive…

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